Online Application for R.O.C. (Taiwan) Travel Authorization Certificate (Applicable to citizens of India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia and Lao)
* 請選擇說明事項語言版本
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* 為防範重大動物傳染病(如:非洲豬瘟)入侵,請勿攜帶肉類產品或動物產品入境臺灣,如經查獲將予重罰!
* In order to prevent the invasion of major animal infectious diseases (such as African Swine Fever), please do not carry meat products or animal products into Taiwan. If detected, you will be punished severely!
* Để ngăn ngừa dịch bệnh truyền nhiễm từ động vật , ví dụ như dịch tả lợn Châu Phi xâm nhập. Cấm không được mang theo các sản phẩm từ thịt hoặc các sản phẩm được làm từ động vật. Nếu kiểm tra phát hiện thấy sẽ bị xử phạt nghiêm trọng
* 中央流行疫情指揮中心公告自2023年1月1日起,不具健保身分之非本國籍人士在臺期間確診COVID-19,需自付確診隔離治療費用
* 依據跨部會會議決議,自112年9月14日10時起,越南籍人士不適用以持有日本或韓國證件作為申請條件(若於112年9月14日以前申獲核准者,仍可持憑有效核准證明及相關應備文件,經本署查驗許可後入境)。
* According to the resolution of the cross-agency meeting, starting 10:00 a.m. on September 14, 2023, Vietnamese passport holder submits application with a visa, resident certificate or permanent resident certificate issued by Japan/Korea as supporting document will no longer be eligible for a Travel Authorization Certificate (TAC). To those who have been granted TAC before or on September 14, 2023, still may enter Taiwan, subject to inspection by the National Immigration Agency, by presenting the valid TAC and related documents required.